Arbeitsgruppe Akustik und Audio 1998
Audio Processing and Coding Group |
>> | Jörg Becker-Schweitzer and Markus Sapp. Evaluation on spatial information from artificial head and four-microphone array measurements. In Proc. 16th Int. Congress on Acoustic, ICA/ASA98 Seattle, pages 2739-2740, ASA Woodbury, 1998. ASA. |
>> | Jörg Becker-Schweitzer, Markus Sapp, and Olaf Lentz. Räumliche Schallfeldanalyse am Beispiel zweier moderner Kirchen. In Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA '98, pages 700-701, DEGA Oldenburg, 1998. DEGA. |
>> | Markus Sapp, Stephan Nöthen, and Jörg Becker-Schweitzer. Echtzeit-Simulation von Saiteninstrumenten. In Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA '98, pages 624-625, DEGA Oldenburg, 1998. DEGA. |
>> | Markus Sapp, Martin Wolters, and Jörg Becker-Schweitzer. Reducing sibilants in recorded speech using psychoacoustic models. In Proc. 16th Int. Congress on Acoustic, ICA/ASA98 Seattle, pages 291-292, ASA Woodbury, June 1998. ASA. |
>> | Martin Wolters, Markus Sapp, and Jörg Becker-Schweitzer. Adaptive algorithm for detecting and reducing sibilants in recorded speech. In Proc. 104th AES-Convention, Amsterdam, 1998, AES New York, May 1998. AES. Preprint 4677 (P5-5). |
>> | M. Bunse, Die Bedeutung des binauralen Hörens für die Empfindung von Lautheit Rauhigkeit. (Dissertation) Düsseldorf. VDI-Verlag, 1999 (Fortschritt-Berichte VDI: Reihe 10, Nr. 602) |