Arbeitsgruppe Bild- und Video-Inhaltsanalyse
Objekt Detektion, Segmentierung, Bewegungsschätzung
C. Bulla and P. Hosten, “Detection of false feature correspondences in feature based object detection systems,” in Proc. of International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand IVCNZ '13, (Wellington, New Zealand), Nov. 2013. [ bib ]
P. Hosten, A. Steiger, C. Feldmann, and C. Bulla, “Performance evaluation of object representations in mean shift tracking,” in Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Multimedia MMEDIA'13, (Venice, Italy), pp. 1–6, Apr. 2013. [ bib ]
C. Bulla, A. Steiger, and P. Hosten, “Realtime object detection & tracking for roi encoding,” in International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement IWAENC'12, (Aachen, Germany), Sept. 2012. [ bib ]
K. Hanke, P. Hosten, and F. Jäger, “Content-adaptive encoder optimization of the H.264/AVC deblocking filter for visual quality improvement,” in Proc. of IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing VCIP '11, (Tainan City, Taiwan), IEEE, Piscataway, Nov. 2011. (Best Paper Award). [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
S. De Bruyne, P. Hosten, C. Concolato, M. Asbach, J. De Cock, M. Unger, J. Le Feuvre, and R. Van de Walle, “Annotation based personalized adaptation and presentation of videos for mobile applications,” Multimedia Tools and Applications - Mobile Media Delivery, vol. 55, pp. 307–331, Nov. 2011. [ bib | DOI ]
P. Hosten and Y. Yao, “Video object tracking using graph cuts and location-dependent appearance models,” in Proc. of IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing VCIP '11, (Tainan City, Taiwan), IEEE, Piscataway, Nov. 2011. [ bib ]
P. Hosten, J. Becker, and N. Qian, “Stochastic image mosaicing for improved motion compensated background subtraction,” in Proc. of International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS '11, (Delft, Netherlands), Apr. 2011. [ bib ]
S. De Bruyne, J. De Cock, R. Van de Walle, P. Hosten, M. Asbach, M. Wien, and C. Concolato, “Personalized adaptation and presentation of annotated videos for mobile applications,” in Proc. of International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference MOBIMEDIA '09, (London, UK), p. 5, Sept. 2009. [ bib | DOI ]
M. Unger, M. Asbach, and P. Hosten, “Enhanced background subtraction using global motion compensation and mosaicing,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP '08, (San Diego, CA, USA), pp. 2708–2711, IEEE, Piscataway, Oct. 2008. [ bib | DOI ]
M. Asbach, P. Hosten, and M. Unger, “An evaluation of local features for face detection and localization,” in Proc. of International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS '08, vol. 0, (Klagenfurt, Austria), pp. 32–35, IEEE, Piscataway, May 2008. [ bib | DOI ]
P. Hosten and M. Asbach, “Detection of facial features in scale-space,” Acta Polytechnica, vol. 47, no. 4–5, 2007. [ bib ]
Diplomarbeit 2802: Entwicklung eines robusten Algorithmus zur komponentenbasierten Objektverfolgung, Aug. 2012.
Bachelor's thesis 2801: Robuste Schätzung Globaler Bewegungsmodelle, Sep. 2012.
Bachelor's thesis 2789: Methoden der Energieminimierung zur Bildsegmentierung, Oct. 2011.
Master's thesis 2773: Robuste Bewegungsschätzung für ebenenbasierte Objektsegmentierung, May 2011.
Diplomarbeit 2761: Verbesserte Detektion von Objekten in Videosequenzen, Dec. 2010.
Diplomarbeit 2760: Stochastische Objektmodellierung zur Objektdetektion in Videosequenzen, Dec. 2010.
Bachelor's thesis 2755: Bewegungsschätzung basierend auf dem Optischen Fluss, Oct. 2010.
Studienarbeit 2749: Implementierung des Active Shape Models zur Objektdetektion, May 2010.
Studienarbeit 2748: Farbbasierte Objektmodellierung, Feb. 2010.
Studienarbeit 2738: Kamerakalibrierung und 3D-Oberflächenrekonstruktion, Oct. 2009.
Diplomarbeit 2736: Textursegmentierung mittels Gabor-Filter, Aug. 2009.