Thibaut Meyer, M.Sc.
Video Analysis and Content Recognition Group
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Research Topic
Point cloud sequence coding using graph signal processing
Dynamic 3D scenes are the center of a growing number of emerging applications such as immersive communication, gaming or animation.
They are often represented as point cloud sequences, which are becoming increasingly easy to obtain, as the hardware that is necessary to capture them is more and more ubiquitous.
Thus emerges the need to compress this very specific type of data.
In the meantime, Graph Signal Processing is a growing scientific field, proving particularly useful for representing and processing irregular and sparse data. Indeed, point clouds are very sparse, and considering the entire 3D space where they live when processing them would be a wasteful approach.
The focus of my research is the inclusion of graph signal processing in several steps of a point cloud sequence compression pipeline, and the study of its benefits. As a first step, after having calculated an equivalent graph representation of a point cloud, I’m looking closely at the utilization of spectral features computed in the graph spectral domain in order to find correspondences between two subsequent point clouds.
Second, I’m investigating the feasibility of coding the attributes of a point cloud in the equivalent graph frequency domain, which is hopefully a more compact and efficient way of representing the attributes in order to store or transmit a point cloud sequence.
T. Meyer, Point cloud attribute coding using graph-based transform with adaptation mechanisms. Dissertation, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen, Dec. 2024. [ bib | DOI | https ]
T. Meyer, D. Mehlem, and C. Rohlfing, “Adaptive entropy coding of graph transform coefficients for point cloud attribute compression,” in Visual Communications and Image Processing VCIP '23, (Jeju, South Korea), IEEE, Piscataway, Dec. 2023. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
C. Rohlfing, T. Meyer, J. Schneider, and J. Voges, “Python wrapper for context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding,” in Visual Communications and Image Processing VCIP '23, (Jeju, South Korea), IEEE, Piscataway, Dec. 2023. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
T. Meyer, M. Meyer, D. Mehlem, and C. Rohlfing, “Attribute-aware partitioning for graph-based point cloud attribute coding,” in Proc. of International Picture Coding Symposium PCS '22, (San Jose, USA), pp. 121–125, IEEE, Piscataway, Dec. 2022. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
H. B. Golestani, T. Meyer, and M. Wien, “Image-Based Rendering using Point Cloud for Video Coding,” in Picture Coding Symposium (PCS'18), (San Francisco, US), IEEE, Piscataway, June 2018. [ bib | https ]
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