Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Arbeitsgruppe Audio Signal Processing
E-Mail: gnann@ient.rwth-aachen.de
V. Gnann, Signal Reconstruction from Multiresolution Magnitude Spectrograms for Audio Signal Processing, vol. 13 of Aachen Series on Multimedia and Communications Engineering. Shaker Verlag, Feb. 2014. [ bib ]
J. Becker and V. Gnann, “Comparing separation quality of nonnegative matrix factorization and nonnegative matrix factor 2D deconvolution in audio source separation tasks,” in 133th AES Convention, (San Francisco, USA), Oct. 2012. [ bib ]
V. Gnann and J. Becker, “Signal reconstruction from multiresolution STFT magnitudes with mutual initialization,” in Proceedings of the AES 45th International Conference: Audio Applications of Time-Frequency Processing in Audio, Mar. 2012. [ bib ]
J. Becker, M. Spiertz, and V. Gnann, “A probability-based combination method for unsupervised clustering with application to blind source separation,” in Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, (Tel Aviv, Israel), Springer, Heidelberg/Berlin, Mar. 2012. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
V. Gnann, M. Kitza, J. Becker, and M. Spiertz, “Least-squares local tuning frequency estimation for choir music,” in AES Convention Paper 8520, Oct. 2011. [ bib | more… ]
V. Gnann and M. Spiertz, “Multiresolution STFT phase estimation with frame-wise posterior window length decision,” in Proc. of International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx '11, pp. 101–106, Sept. 2011. [ bib | more… ]
M. Spiertz and V. Gnann, “Note clustering based on 2d source-filter modeling for underdetermined blind source separation,” in Proceedings of the AES 42nd International Conference on Semantic Audio, (Ilmenau, Germany), July 2011. [ bib | .pdf ]
M. Spiertz, V. Gnann, P. Dietrich, J.-R. Ohm, and M. Vorländer, “Single sensor source separation for acoustical machine diagnostics,” in Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA '11, (Düsseldorf, Germany), Mar. 2011. [ bib | .pdf ]
C. Rohlfing, M. Spiertz, and V. Gnann, “Score-informed sparseness for source separation,” in Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA '11, (Düsseldorf, Germany), Mar. 2011. [ bib | .pdf ]
V. Gnann and M. Spiertz, “Improving RTISI phase estimation with energy order and phase unwrapping,” in Proc. of International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx '10, pp. 367–371, Sept. 2010. [ bib | more… ]
M. Spiertz and V. Gnann, “Beta divergence for clustering in monaural blind source separation,” in 128th AES Convention, (London, UK), May 2010. [ bib | more… | .pdf ]
V. Gnann and M. Spiertz, “Transient detection with absolute discrete group delay,” in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems ISPACS '09, pp. 311–314, Dec. 2009. [ bib | DOI | more… ]
M. Spiertz and V. Gnann, “Source-filter based clustering for monaural blind source separation,” in Proc. of International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx '09, (Como, Italy), Sept. 2009. [ bib | more… | .pdf ]
V. Gnann and M. Spiertz, “Inversion of STFT magnitude spectrograms with adaptive window lengths,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP '09, pp. 325–328, Apr. 2009. [ bib | DOI | more… ]
M. Spiertz and V. Gnann, “Iterative monaural audio source separation for subspace grouping,” in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems ISPACS '08, (Bangkok, Thailand), pp. 1–4, Feb. 2009. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
V. Gnann and M. Spiertz, “Comb-filter free audio mixing using STFT magnitude spectra and phase estimation,” in Proc. of International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx '08, Sept. 2008. [ bib | more… ]
V. Gnann, “Improving cross-correlation based delay estimation,” in Proc. of International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER '06, May 2006. [ bib ]
J. Wellhausen and V. Gnann, “Independent Component Analysis for audio signal separation,” in Proc. of SPIE International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Applications VIII (ItCom 2005), (Boston, MA, USA), SPIE, Bellingham, Oct. 2005. [ bib | DOI ]
J. Stange-Elbe and V. Gnann, Wissensprojekte, ch. Auditory Displays – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, pp. 220–235. Waxmann, 2004. [ bib ]